Wednesday, April 2, 2014


The sun is out. The weather is warming up. Spring has sprung.  April is here. I'm as pale as Casper the Friendly Ghost.

IT'S TIME TO BREAK OUT THE FAKE TAN, BOYS AND GIRLS!!!  WOOOHOO!  As a general rule, I don't/can't tan when I go out in the sun, I freckle and burn.  Therefore, fake tan and SPF 100, no joke, are my best friends.  This is my favorite of all my fake tan best friends...Banana Boat Summer Color Self-Tanning Lotion in the Deep Dark Color.

Click here-->Banana Boat Summer Color Self-Tanning Lotion at

I've found that Banana Boat Summer Color has the most natural color and doesn't wash away or wear off as quickly as others.  I always buy the Deep Dark Color, rather than the lighter shade, because it saves time having to build up your desired "tan" color.  The quicker the amount of time it takes for me to not look like Casper, the better.  Also, this brand doesn't smell as bad as the others.  In college, my friends and I found a brand that actually smelled like fish food when it started to work.  That was unfortunate.

1. Exfoliate first:  I don't have a favorite exfoliant (sorry, friends, you're on your own), I just use whatever samples I have on hand or I just scrub, scrub, scrub with a washcloth.
2. Try to apply even amounts: if you put a blob of fake tan in your hand to rub onto one leg, put the same size blog in your hand to rub onto the other leg.  I'm a Libra, we like balance.
3. Use sparingly around your knees, elbows, ankles, and eyebrows.  Those areas tend to suck up the fake tan the most and we don't want you to look like you rubbed yourself with a sweet potato or like you're having an Oompa Loompa breakout of some sort.
4. We're almost done: Try to let your tan dry as much as possible before putting on your clothes, or if you're fake tanning at night, before you go to bed.  Your clothes will stick to the fake tan and that means that precious fake tan will come off on your clothes.  Sad for you, sad for your clothes.

I hope this has been helpful to you!  Now, slather on the fake tan and go have fun outside!

Fake-tanily yours, 
Carolina Brunette

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